San Tan Logo San Tan Soccer Futsal League 2003
May 24 - June 28, 2003
Click Here! for more information.
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Contact Us
Where can you get help?

Contact the appropriate league officer
First send an email to the person most responsible.

San Tan Youth Soccer Association Office
P.O. Box 1108
Chandler, AZ 85244

Voice Mail: (480) 988-3448

Email the webmaster
Only if you can not get answers from the above sources.

Please provide the following information...

In order for us to best help you, please provide the following information when making a request:

  • Name
  • Phone number where you can be contacted
  • Clearly describe the problem
  • Possible resolutions

Make sure the title of your request explains the problem, do not just use the word HELP.

Soccer Links:      US Youth Soccer      AZ Youth Soccer      VYSL      USSF      FIFA