San Tan Logo San Tan Soccer Fall Recreation League 2003
September - November
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Brasil Futebol Academy presents...
3rd Annual
Futsal League 2003
Develop your skills the same way some of the Brazilian greats like Pele, Zico, Romario, Ronaldo, and Denlison. These legendary soccer stars grew up playing FUTSAL, where the emphasis is on ball skills.

FUTSAL, also called "5-A-Side", is a FIFA sanctioned game played both indoors and outdoors. The size of playing area is roughly the size of a basketball court and no walls are used. The word FUTSAL is derived from the Portuguese or Spanish word for "SOCCER", Futbol or Futebol, and the word for "indoor" sala or salao. The game is not only exciting, but also regarded around the world as an invaluable skill-sharpening exercise on and off season. The FUTSAL ball is the key to develop close ball control. An adult FUTSAL ball is approximately the circumference of a size 4 soccer ball, but noticeably heavier. FUTSAL balls have low-bounce and low-flight characteristics, so the emphasis is on close control.

Futsal Rules
Each team has 4 field players and one goalkeeper.
Games are 40 minutes long divided into 20 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime break.
Substitutions are on the run and unlimited. The game does not stop. It has to be done on the half way line. The entering player has to wait for his/her teammate to be totally off the court until he/she enters the game.
There are no throw-ins, the ball is kicked in instead from where the place where it went out. The player has 4 seconds to restart game.
Goal clearance is a goal throw or a drop kick. The goalkeeper has 4 seconds to release the ball.
5 foul limit - Free direct kick after 5th foul.
There are no OFF-SIDES.
Shoulder tackles and slide tackles are not permitted in any situation.
One time-out per team per half.

Registrations are being accepted for
U-7 thru U-15 boys and girls.

Each team will play a minimum of 6 games.
Dates:   May 24, 31, June 7, 14, 21, 28.
Saturdays, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

All games will be played at:
Horizon Community Learning Center
16233 S. 48th St. Phoenix, AZ

Registration deadline is April 26, 2003
Schedules will be posted May 12, 2003

Fee:   $375 per team.

Printable Forms
Coaches Registration Information
Players Registration Information
STYSA Player Registration Form
Futsal Team Registration Form
Futsal Team Roster Form
Futsal League Rules
Futsal League Regulations

Questions:   Call (480) 598-5354 or
email Alex Fonseca.

Soccer Links:      US Youth Soccer      AZ Youth Soccer      VYSL      USSF      FIFA